†Free standard shipping with The Rue 365 applies only to standard shipping on eligible purchases and is not available for shipments to AK, HI, or internationally. Return shipping charges will be applied where applicable. Additional charges will apply for expedited delivery or oversized items.
‡Please see full terms and conditions. Subscription to The Rue 365 auto-renews at $55/year for consecutive one-year periods unless you cancel by changing your auto-renew status by visiting “My Account.” Any payment method on file will be charged the renewal fee without further notice to you (unless required by law). You may also cancel your subscription at any time by emailing Rue365Concierge@cs.ruelala.com. Any promotional pricing ends one year from date of purchase and you will be charged the usual rate of $55/year, unless Member is currently enrolled in Rue 30 at the time of purchase, in which case the number of days left in Rue 30 at the time of purchase will be added onto the year that is included in Rue 365.